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The Very Mixed-Up Princess
商品網址: http://easyfun.biz/redirect.php?member=af000072325&address=%2Fexep%2Fprod%2Fbooksfile.php%3Fitem%3DF011791608%26member%3Daf000072325&manu_id=5&ad_id=0&ad_type=1003&v=e3e03e6506e6dd14d727603aaa3522d2
商品訊息簡述: top This super fun and engaging use of the best-selling mix & match format provides over 200 irresistible costume and story combinations that center around a very mixed up princess. Delightfully rendered in an amusing cartoon style, the princess is dressing up in her favorite costumes, pretending to be everything from a pirate to a dragon to a ballerina. Each page is die-cut into three sections (head, body, and legs) so kids can switch and swap, from head-to-toe, the princess’s costumes and surroundings into surprisingly silly scenarios.
哪裡買.開箱文The Very Mixed-Up Princess
商品網址: http://easyfun.biz/redirect.php?member=af000072325&address=%2Fexep%2Fprod%2Fbooksfile.php%3Fitem%3DF011791608%26member%3Daf000072325&manu_id=5&ad_id=0&ad_type=1003&v=e3e03e6506e6dd14d727603aaa3522d2
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